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Global Book Town

Independent booksellers who enjoy books and reading as much as you do....Look for that special book here, or search each of our stores for the exact book you want!


Abebook and How to Buy Used Books

As Abebooks have pointed out on their site - "Abebooks is the universe's largest marketplace for use books on line. Regaedless of it's status, be it new, used, or no longer in print, you can find it at AbeBooks, via our network of many thousands of little book dealers from every country imaginable."

Use the Abebook Search Box below is quick, efficient and easy, but even then, we have provided a few examples (see below) .. . get to your adventuring!

The Abebook Used-Book Advanced Search

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Edition: 1st Edition  Signed

Do you have an author or title in mind? Or a subject that isn't reflected in our on-site "Categories" directory? Use our Google-powered search engine to search Global Booktown independent online used bookstore listings.

Enter your search terms in the window, just as you would for a Google search. Choose one of the online bookstores from the drop-down menu. Then search by author, title, or even a key word or phrase.

The online bookstores on Global Book Town have 1,000,000 used books. Search these independent booksellers for the book you need.

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